God’s Sovereignty


Jeremiah 32:17 (ESV)

“Ah, Lord God!
It is you who have made
the heavens and the earth
by your great power
and by your outstretched arm!
Nothing is too hard for you.”

I have been thinking about God’s sovereignty a lot lately. As in, I have been meditating and reflecting on what it means to truly believe that God is sovereign over everything.

When I look at a situation and I look inward to assess what is my level of trust in this, if I worry, then I know that I must have put myself higher than God. What I mean is that… that I think that I am in control.

But, knowing my frailties and that there are many things that are not in my control, that makes me worry. So, when I worry and stress, I am basically telling God that He is not in control.

The picture I have in my mind is like a little child who told her father, “Me do this!” And then, made a mess with the task. Can you identify with that?

But, if I put God above myself and I really trust that God, that the God I pray to, has the whole world, the whole thing under control, then there is really nothing I need to worry about. I will then trust in His leading, I will trust in His timing, and I will trust that He has me in His hands.

So, I can sit back and be rested. It is the same God who made the heavens and the earth by His outstretched arm!

So know that our God is sovereign and… He’s got this!


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